Apocalypse of the Heart

Life brings about challenges upon challenges
That we must face without worry and fear
But if our hearts were broken in childhood
It can be hard to avoid the spears

Every person with their own eye view
Sometimes unable to peek
Beyond the scope their view affords
That is what I now seek

To be at peace and connected at once
To feel a life that is beyond my own
I reach for God and other fellow men
As life teaches me more is to be found

A day not long ago my heart was broken
Not anyone’s fault, just the fit wasn’t there
From despair to hope to anger and resignation
The feelings flooded and it felt unfair

So today I reached for my muse looking for peace
And some degree of forgiveness
The apocalypse of the heart subsided
I am starting to believe I will be blessed

As I await for a word in return
I pray for quiet peace and kindness
To bring back hope in all of humanity
I’m afraid she is not ready just yet

She has just answered my email saying I am still hurting her every time I contact her. That was not my intent. I’m just hoping some day we can forgive each others. She asked me not to contact her again and I accepted that request by saying I would also stop posting any Facebook comments so she would be able to forget about me a little. I hope some day we can mend our differences and be friends again. Love is so hard to figure out. Maybe men and women are really from different planets.